Frequently Asked Questions
Golf Injuries FAQs
Why do I have Pain when I Golf?
Golf is a precision sport that requires repetitive execution of various swinging motions. The ability to repeat the same motion to achieve a desired shot is integral to success in golf. While this repetition may be good for a low score, it can wreak havoc on the back and other joints in the body. This is especially true if the body is out of alignment. Poor alignment in itself can cause pain but misalignments are magnified by golf because it involves so much repetitive joint motion. Swinging a golf club should be a fluid motion, but misaligned joints impair this motion and prevent this fluidity. Overtime the rubbing of misaligned joint surfaces causes pain, muscle spasm and nerve irritation. Avoid getting injured by following these simple tips: Avoiding Lower Back Pain During Golf Season.
What are the Most Common Golf Injuries?
Believe it or not, the #1 most common golf injury is back pain. The hunched over golf stance as well as the swing itself put great stress on the back, causing strain and misalignment. Pain can increase over time due to excess pressure on discs in the back, leading to mechanical or arthritis-related pain. Additionally, Golfer’s elbow, shoulder pain, and tendinitis are extremely common among golfers.
Why do Golf Injuries Occur?
Golf injures can occur as the result of a single event such as a powerful shot or duffing the club face. They can also happen over time as the result of swing mechanics or posture. We have found that the latter is more common. It’s often difficult to pinpoint the incident that initially caused the problem.
What is the Treatment for Lower Back Pain While Playing Golf?
Treatment depends on the specific type of condition. For alignment issues we use gentle chiropractic adjustments to restore the proper position of the spine. For muscle issues we may utilize stretching combined with massage, electrical muscle stimulation or therapeutic ultrasound. We also use targeted flexibility training to prevent future episodes. We have found that one of the major causes of low back pain during golf is lack of hip flexibility. This cause over utilization of the low back during the swing. Failure to share the load of the swing across the low back and hips often leads to injury and alignment issues. If you have a low back issue that we cannot help with, we will be happy to refer you to the appropriate qualified local specialist.
Can Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Treatment Help?
The two most common conditions that cause elbow pain during golf are golfer’s elbow aka medial epicondylitis and tennis elbow aka lateral epicondylitis. Although it may seem strange, you can get both golfer’s elbow and tennis elbow from playing golf. These conditions can occur as the result of a single traumatic event such as duffing a shot or over time due to swing mechanics. They are inflammatory conditions of the flexor or extensor tendons in the wrist and elbow. Treatment for both these conditions aims to reduce inflammation via ultrasound, break up adhesions via soft tissue massage and restore proper alignment through gentle chiropractic adjustments.

We pride ourselves in our caring and long-term relationships we develop with our patients, so schedule an appointment today. We look forward to seeing you!